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RiverWalk Church of Christ has been blessed with ministers who are deeply committed in their service for the Lord. Their responsibilities are varied, each sharing their gifts with those within our congregation, as well as those in need all around us. To read about each of our ministers, click on their picture below.
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Preaching Minister

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Youth Minister

CJ Gilkey

DSC02062 Jay Plank.jpg

Administrative Minister

DSC02006 Alaina Gilkey (8X10-300).jpg

Children's Minister

Alaina Gilkey

DSC01975 Doug Vile.jpg

Outreach Minister

Doug Vile

RiverWalk Church of Christ  |  225 N Waco  - Wichita, Kansas  |  Phone: 316-265-9653

 Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 9:00am - 4:30pm

Sunday Worship: 9:30am

Sunday Bible Class: 10:50am

Wednesday Bible Class: 6:45pm

(There is No Wednesday Night Class in June, July, and August)

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